• The liquid crystal market continues to mature and expand; Large liquid crystal displays can exceed 85" with pixel counts to support 4k and 8k formats. Portable electronics demand higher resolution, smaller pixel size, and lower power consumption than ever. The LC market is also diversifying in many low-volume, high margin 'niche' applications for avionics, telecommunications, and tunable lasers. The old standard TN mode display has been joined by AFFS, IPS, VA and Blue-Phase technologies. In this rapidly expanding industry, competition is fierce and a competitive edge can depend on the quality and precise behavior of the liquid crystal material or mixtures being used. Therefore, accurate and reliable measurements of liquid crystal material properties have become a necessity for research labs and production facilities around the world. Based on nearly fifty years of research experience from Professor Noel Clark's liquid crystal research group at the University of Colorado Boulder, and nearly forty years of industrial engineering, testing, and design experience, INSTEC continues to develop and refine liquid crystal testing instruments and accessories to meet a wide range of applications. INSTEC's automatic liquid crystal testing (ALCT) equipment allows for fast and accurate determination of the physical properties needed to predict and qualify a liquid crystal material's or LC display's performance. Our compatible liquid crystal cells, cell holders, and thermal microscopy stages allow researchers to take data collection to a new level and easily determine the temperature dependence of the measured LC characteristics. Precision temperature control is available for sample sizes from 0.5" LC cells up to 55" LCD panels. INSTEC is proud to supply the TFT-LCD industry with the necessary tools to test, advance, and control conventional and novel liquid crystal materials.
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